Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why You Should Choose Debt Consolidation

Why You Should Choose Debt Consolidation
By []Jeff Dragt

If debt is currently an issue in your life, debt consolidation really can save you from the stress of bills, debt collectors, and the nagging thoughts of foreclosure or even bankruptcy. Debt consolidation can drastically change your life within weeks, months, or years depending on your current debt situation. Consolidating your debts will allow you to live with peace of mind that you are taking care of your financial obligations while continuing to live a happy life.

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Debt consolidation is taking all of your bills and fitting them into one monthly payment. Fitting all your bills into one payment also means one interest rate, which will limit the amount you pay out every month, saving you a lot of money in the long run. Debt consolidation also makes paying off multiple debts easier because the monthly payments can be lowered when you take away insane interest rates. The average debtor pays more interest every month than they do on the actual principal balance of their debt! Eliminating the sky-high interest rates is a good start to getting your debts paid, without going completely broke.

Many people assume when they can’t pay the bills it’s time to just throw up their hands and consider drastic actions such as foreclosure, repossession and bankruptcy. While there are some extreme cases where bankruptcy would be the best option, foreclosure is almost always avoidable as is repossession. Banks, car dealerships, mortgage companies, and creditors don’t like to have to take back property or write off your debts, they would rather work with you on debt consolidation so that they can get back what they are owed and you can go on your way with your credit still in tact. Bankruptcy, repossession, and foreclosure are not easy outs when it comes to debts; in fact, they are choices that will continue to affect you for a long, long time. Consider debt consolidation before making any hasty decisions.

Debt consolidation on your own can be tricky, or downright impossible depending on your credit situation. Luckily, there are debt consolidation companies waiting to help people who are in over their head, just like you! Debt consolidation companies will take your credit report and any unreported debts that you can give them and work out a payment plan for you. These debt consolidation companies often contact each company and strike a deal to lower or get rid of the interest and even split the balance of the amount due. Obviously, lowering or getting rid of interest and part of each debt will limit what you spend each month, enabling you to actually pay the bill.

What’s the catch with this type of debt consolidation? Well, there really isn’t one. Yes, this is a business and the consolidator does make money because while he takes away the interest that each company is charging, he will charge you interest or a percentage of what you owe. Doesn’t seem fair? It is! It works out better for you, because even though you are still paying interest it’s just one interest payment for all the debts you currently hold. So, instead of paying twenty seven percent to ten companies you’ll pay twenty percent to one company. So, you go from having multiple payments and interest rates to just one payment for all the bills and one interest rate. It works! If you follow the plan, and make your monthly payments debt consolidation will soon have your credit report looking much better than it does right now.

You may think that you have so much debt you cannot possibly afford to repay even on a debt consolidation plan. You’d be surprised what these companies can get done on your behalf. And, if your debt is that outstanding you can work through the process slowly, a few debts at a time. There is nothing wrong with the process taking a while, as long as you keep up with the process and intend to actually pay off your debts. Getting your credit where it should be does take time, but it’s worth it. Your credit is your buying power, and each payment you make gets you closer to having more of it.

Worried that the companies you are dealing with won’t work with a debt consolidation company? You’d be surprised. Yes, the companies will loose a little bit of money compared to if you showed up with cash to repay the debt tomorrow, but in the long run it’s better for them to take a debt consolidation deal than not. Most companies figure they’d rather get a portion of your debt back and settle the deal than not get anything back at all. Getting seventy five percent of your debt back is more reasonable to them than to keep paying debt collectors to contact you and try to get the money back. All in all, any money is worth striking a deal over, and that is why a debt consolidation company can really get you where you need to be. They are professionals and they know how to get companies to agree to their terms.

Debt consolidation companies will usually work with you to get your debts paid off within a reasonable monthly payment. Each month you’ll make just one payment, reducing the time and stress of paying the bill, and each month you’ll be a step closer to financial freedom. Paying off your debts, through debt consolidation or otherwise will take a weight off your back that you may not even realize is there. No one wants to have unpaid debts, but sometimes life gets in the way and it happens. It happens to the best of us. But, don’t be too proud to consolidate those debts and get back on the right track. Open up your local phone book, or get online and find a debt consolidation service in your area. Contact a debt consolidator not with shame, but with pride, because you are stepping up to do the right thing.

Jeff has been helping all kinds of people become debt free. For a free consolidation quote visit.

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Guide to Online Debt Consolidation

Guide to Online Debt Consolidation
By []Mansi Aggarwal

Online debt consolidation programs help individuals to research, apply and take part in debt reduction programs. The consumer can manage the financing of debts at the click of a mouse. With the problem of excessive debt growing on today, online debt consolidation programs are becoming easy and beneficial.

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An online debt consolidation program can allow a consumer to get a loan that will combine, or cover, all of the balances of their unsecured debt. This online debt consolidation program will offer the consumer a loan, plus additional help in getting their debt consolidated. Once debt is consolidated with an online debt consolidation program, then the consumer can begin to make just one payment once a month, on the entire debt balance. The interest rate is generally much lower than the interest rates found in credit card agreements, so online debt consolidation programs can save monthly payments also.

The online debt consolidation programs enables to easily secure and manage the account. With the Internet, times and finances have changed, and now consumers can manage their finances online, without going to the bank, filling out documents and saves on explaining problems. With online debt consolidation programs, consumers can get control of their debt, and do it from the convenience of their own homes.

A consumer need only begin today in researching online debt consolidation programs over the Internet. There are hundreds of companies that offer online debt consolidation programs and these programs can be listed on websites that offer general information about debt with links to the site, or a consumer can simply browse for home pages of online debt consolidation programs. There are different option included with different programs, so be sure and compare before determining the right program for you and your needs.

Consumers are encouraged to be careful when searching or researching lending companies that offer online debt consolidation programs. While an online debt consolidation program can be very beneficial, and most programs offer good and honest help, there is fraud throughout the industry today. Ask for references and also be sure to read all documentation before entering into a contractual agreement with an online debt consolidation company.

Many fraudulent sites have come up which charge excessive interest rates for even smallest of loans. These also charge application fees whereas one should never pay any fees to apply, as it should be free of cost. These also charge excessive loan fees and hidden charges. There is almost no help or customer service from such scammers.

Before applying online for a debt consolidation loan, one should make sure that the website is well organized, has helpful resources, has a short application form, no application fees, no obligation, no hidden charges and no bad credit.

Consumers have begun to see the potential of online debt consolidation services and are now using them to the maximum. The company gathers all the monthly bills and payments and offers you some quotes online. Compared to a bank or any other financial institution, where one has to show a spotless record and a large amount of paper work, here one gets results in a matter of minutes.

If a consumer is able to find genuine online debt consolidation sites then settling debt problems becomes much easier and quicker.

Mansi aggarwal writes about online debt consolidation. Learn more at

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